February 27, 2011



I love bubbles. They are neato. I have liked bubbles ever since I can remember, but today, I love them.

Rich and I teach nursury in our ward. We love our calling and we love the kids they are so much fun. The kids are great but towards the end of the day, they are getting more tired and grumpy, probably due to the fact that nursery falls during most of their nap times. They have trouble sharing and being nice in general as any tired 2 year old would. My mom gave us a bubble machine and today was the first day that we have used it. For the last 10 minutes of the class we turned on the bubble machine and the kids were in awe. They loved it. Maybe they loved it too much because when it came time to leave, most of them started crying and wanted to stay. So today, I am thankful for bubbles. Happy Sunday!

February 23, 2011

Long Hair Please...

I would cut off a limb to have hair like the girl above (not really but maybe). I have wanted my hair to be long FOREVER. My hair has the hardest time growing. I swear I have the slowest growing hair in the universe. I cut my hair short in February 2009 and since then it has grown a whole 6 inches. Your hair is supposed to grow 1/2 an inch a month so my hair grows half as fast as the average person. Soooo annoying. I found this article about growing hair. I loved it and I am going to try everything on the list. We'll see how it goes.

1. Throw away your dryer nozzle --Unless you have thick, wavy hair which you need to dry dead straight, your nozzle unnecessarily concentrates heat and can lead to excessive damage. Keep a one inch gap between your hair and the end of the dryer.

2. Always use conditioner -- Shampoos open the cuticle to clean, conditioners reseal the surface cuticle for protection, shine and comb-ability.

3. Color your hair professionally -- Choose a colorist that cares about condition and quality and is up-to-date. Modern tints are much gentler on the hair.

4. Use a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week -- This will help restore suppleness, reduce breakage and maintain the vibrancy of color.

5. Use a professional saw-cut comb -- Moulded plastic combs often have imperfections on the teeth which can lacerate the surface cuticle, aging the hair prematurely.

6. Do not use a brush to take out knots on wet hair -- When hair is wet use a wide tooth comb to gently ease out knots from the ends first, working up to the roots. Don't believe the myth of brushing hair 100 times before bedtime. Once it's brushed, further friction just wears it out quicker.

7. Always protect your hair in the sun -- Hats or scarves are best, protective treatments come second. The UV rays of the sun break down the molecular structure of hair, which unlike skin, doesn't recover its appearance within a few weeks. Long hair can take years to renew.

8. Trim ends regularly -- Trim every three to eight weeks depending on length and style. As the ends decay and disintegrate, they look tired and unattractive. Any splitting can also travel up the hair shaft if not caught in time.

9. Choose a good stylist -- The right haircut, well-executed, can save you 95% of the time you may be spending 'over styling' your hair.

10. Use a little light wax or moisturizing cream on dry ends -- This will protect and keep the hair looking and feeling healthier.

I know lots of my blogger friends either do hair or have long lucious hair. I would LOVE to hear if you have any tips of your own to help my hair grow.

February 21, 2011

You Know You're From Utah When...

I saw this a few days ago and thought it was pretty funny...I love Utah:)

1. You can correctly pronounce Tooele.
2. You know the difference between a "steak house" and a "stake house"
3. You can find similarities between a ward basketball game and an L.A. riot.
4. You have used the words: fetch, fudge or flip.
5. You have apologized for using the language above.
6. You have more wheat storage than most third world countries.
7. You've gotten both heat and frost burns off your car's door handle in the same month.
8. You think Jack Daniels is a country western singer.
9. Cars in the slow lane are traveling the fastest; cars in the fast lane are traveling the slowest; cars in the middle lanes are always trying to exit.
10. You've never had a Mormon missionary knock on your door.
11. Your neighbors complain about where they live, yet refuse to return to the state they moved from.
12. The U is not just a letter - Neither is the Y.
13. You drink Diet Coke from a brown paper bag.
14. You have broken down on the freeway and more than one car has stopped to help you.
15. You know how to make frysauce.

February 20, 2011

Day #30

A photograph of yourself & three good things that have happened in the past

1. I married a man that adores me. He spoils me and he loves me and I love him just the same. We're lucky.

2. I have fabulous friends and family. There are not words to describe my love for these people.

3. I really have enjoyed my life thus far. I have so many amazing memories with amazing people. I love my life!

I can't believe the 30 days is over! I am actually really glad it is. I kinda dropped the ball at the end there. ALSO, I know that a lot of Rich's friends read this blog that don't necessarily know me. Rich and I would love to read your blogs so leave a comment or email me at maririddle2007@hotmail.com.

February 18, 2011

Day #29

Something I could never get tired of doing.
This is a hard one.
I think if I was doing almost anything a lot I would get sick of it.
I don't think I could ever get tired of spending time with my man.
After all, too much of a good thing can be wonderful!

February 17, 2011

Day #28

My FAVORITE movie!

I absolutely LOVE this movie. It is so funny. I laugh my butt off everytime I see it and it never gets old.

Here are a few movies that were close seconds.

February 15, 2011

Day #27

A picture of you last year and how you have changed since then.

I feel like I have made a lot of changes in the past year. I have grown up a lot. This past year has definitly been one of the most difficult years of my life but I have learned so much. Here are a few ways that I have changed in the past year.

1. I am more patient.

2. I have learned to love people no matter what the conditions.

3. I am a more forgiving person. I am so glad that others have been able to forgive me and I would be crazy not to pass the love on.

4. I am skinnier. I went through a fat phase last year at this time. haha.

5. I am a home owner.

6. I understand more about saving money than I ever have.

7. I have learned to see the good in people. I work with a lot of crazy people but every one of them has amazing qualities about them.

February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

We celebrated Valentines on Saturday and my love got me flowers a new memory card for my camera. I got him a card and a shirt. I am not a big V-Day person. I never have been. I like to keep it pretty low key but I do like to express how much I love my sweet hubs. If you couldn't tell you obviously don't read my blog very much. He's is the best. We just went bowling, went to Tucanos and came home and watch a movie. Here are some pics...

Oh and check out my cute v-day heart!

I love this song...its perfect for v-day and the little girl is so cute!


Day #26

A photo of somewhere you have been.

This is me in Hawaii on my honeymoon. I love Hawaii. There is nothing like a Hawaiian sunset.

February 12, 2011

Day #25

What's in your purse...

Silk and Shine Chap stick. It is the best chap stick ever. It makes your lips so soft.

My travel hair brush.

My wallet of course.

My hands get so dry, especially in the winter. I keep Twilight Woods lotion in my purse. It smells so good.

Altoids. I love em.

My phone.

My daily planner. I am lost without it.

Tylonel. It saves my life some days.

Mac Gloss

Orbit maui melon mint gum. I love Maui, I love melon and I love mint. It really is the perfect combo.

February 9, 2011

Day #24

A photo of something that means a lot to you.

My wedding ring. My mom gave me the stone. My dad gave it to my mom for their 10 year anniversary and she ended up upgrading. Rich gave me the setting and my eternity band. I love my wedding ring. It is obviously my favorite peice of Jewelry. When Rich proposed to me he gave me my diamond ring and in the temple on our wedding day he gave me my eternity band. It has diamonds that go all the way around it. It is such symbolism to me that our love can never be broken. It's a continuous circle. Just when I think I could not love that man more, he proves me wrong.

February 7, 2011

Day #23

15 facts about me.

1. I don't like pickles but I crave them and when I eat them I cringe because they are gross. You don't have to tell me I'm weird. I already know.

2. I love clothes that are right out of the dryer. So warm and soft.

3. I am absolutely addicted to HGTV.

4. I knew Rich and I were going to be together the first day I met him. Cheese ball I know but it's true.

5. I love rainy days. Some days I wish I could just pack up and move to Oregon so I could be in the rain all the time.

6. I love movies. Good thing we got netflicks.

7. My dream is to go to Italy, eat gelato and see the collesium.

8. I love watching Oprah and I am really sad that this is the final season.

9. Spring is my favorite season. By the time winter is over I am so ready to go outside and play.

10. I love to swim.

12. My favorite quote is "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of that candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."

13. I love red hair, I just don't have the guts to try it.

14. I get stressed out really easily.

15. Family is everything.

Day #22

A letter to someone who has hurt you recently...hmmm....nobody has hurt me recently so that is out the window. Here is letter to someone that I really look up to.

Dear Oprah...

haha just kidding.

Thank you for being the best mom ever. You are the most compassionate person i have ever met. You have taught me so much, mostly through your example to me. I have always admired you. I have always been able to come to you with any problem I have ever had and you can always find the best way to help me, even if its just letting me cry it out. You have taught me how to forgive because you are the most forgiving person. You always give people the benifit of the doubt and you always can spot the best qualities in people. You let me make my own mistakes but were always there when I needed help fixing them. I am so thankful for you. I don't know how I'd survive my life without you. I don't think I ever can. You are an amazing and beautiful person. I love you so much. Happy birthday in 10 days!

February 6, 2011

Day #21

A photo of something that makes me happy...

how about a bunch of photos of a punch of things that make me happy.

Saturdays almost always make me happy. I usually don't have work and Rich never works on Saturdays. That means that we get to spend the entire day together.

Waimea bay can always put a smile on my face. It is the most beautiful beach ever. When we do family trips to Hawaii, we go to this beach almost every day that we are there.

I love the Draper temple. It is the temple that I attend most often. There is no place in this world where I have experienced a stronger feeling of peace then I have in this temple.

Cupcakes. They are by far my favorite dessert.

My best friends. I love having girls days with them. Sadly we have all spread out so we don't have the chance to get together very often. Brit is in Philly, Ang is in Washington, Jord is in nursing school and super busy and Jen is going to Chile on a mission.

I love getting letters from Caleb. It makes my day reading them and seeing what he is up to. He has had such success on his mission and I am so proud of him.

These two girls bring such a light into my life. They are so adorable and they have they cutest personalities ever. They are so much fun to be around. I feel very blessed that they are in my life.

My family always makes me happy. I love every single one of them.

My Richie always makes me happy. I am one lucky girl.

If you had to read everything that made me happy you would be reading for all eterenity and I would be blogging for all eternity so these are just a few. I feel very blessed to have so many great things in my life that make me so happy.

February 4, 2011

Day #20

The meaning behind your blog name.

My blog name is Rich and Mari. It is my blog name because I am Mari and my husband is Rich. I write about our life together...I really should get a little more creative and make up a really cool blog name like a lot of my blogger friends. Any suggestions?

Day #19

Another picture of yourself.

I really didn't think I was going to miss a day, but life happens and I couldn't swing it yesterday. Here is a photo of me about 19 years ago.

It is funny how my hair has changed over the years. When I was little it was strawberry blonde then it turned to blonde blonde and now it is dark blonde or light brown, whatever you want to call it.
I love this picture because it is with my older brother Zach and my younger brother Caleb. Growing up we were always divided into the big kids (Zach, Caleb and me) and the little boys (Sam and Jake), so some of my best childhood memories come with these two little boys. Zach was always the smart one in our family and he always looked out for his younger siblings. My mom even said that he saved my life when I was little. He for sure saved my life when I was 17 getting hammered by waves and getting sucked out by the under toe further and further. Caleb was always the funny one. He can put a smile on anyone's face. When we were little he would kick the small waves at the beach and say "is that all you got ocean?!" and then another wave would come and knock him right on his butt. It has been hard without him here the past 7 months. I know he is out doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. I just have hard Caleb days where I miss him really bad and all I want to do is sit on my parents back deck and talk to him like I did before he left. Today is one of those days.
I grew up with wonderful parents but Zach and Caleb made my childhood really special and full of laughter and fun. I love them for it.

February 2, 2011

Day #18

Something I crave a lot.

Costco's mango salsa with whole grain tortilla chips...mmm.....

February 1, 2011

Day #17

A photo of your family...

This is my cute family.

I have the coolest parents ever. Seriously. I have always felt really blessed to be able to have a good relationship with my parents. We have always got along. Even when I was a teenager. They are so much fun to be around. Love them:)

My brothers are awesome. Growing up we definitely had our hard times where we fought a lot but as we have grown older we have become closer and closer. It has been so much fun to have them in my life. They are awesome.

In 2008 I got a new family! They are seriously awesome. I really think that I have the best in-laws. They are so much fun to be with. Even from the beginning they were always so welcoming and loving. I love them:)

And last but definitly not least, the most important member of my family, Rich. He is really the only member of my family I got to choose and I must say, it is the best decision ever. He is the most bomb hubs ever. He rocks my world.