February 21, 2011

You Know You're From Utah When...

I saw this a few days ago and thought it was pretty funny...I love Utah:)

1. You can correctly pronounce Tooele.
2. You know the difference between a "steak house" and a "stake house"
3. You can find similarities between a ward basketball game and an L.A. riot.
4. You have used the words: fetch, fudge or flip.
5. You have apologized for using the language above.
6. You have more wheat storage than most third world countries.
7. You've gotten both heat and frost burns off your car's door handle in the same month.
8. You think Jack Daniels is a country western singer.
9. Cars in the slow lane are traveling the fastest; cars in the fast lane are traveling the slowest; cars in the middle lanes are always trying to exit.
10. You've never had a Mormon missionary knock on your door.
11. Your neighbors complain about where they live, yet refuse to return to the state they moved from.
12. The U is not just a letter - Neither is the Y.
13. You drink Diet Coke from a brown paper bag.
14. You have broken down on the freeway and more than one car has stopped to help you.
15. You know how to make frysauce.


Hightower said...

I got this email and I thought about sharing it on my blog ; )

Kylie Blackwell said...

Oh that is so true and it made me laugh until I thought my baby may just pop out! My favorite was drinking diet coke from a brown paper bag... Gotta love the hard stuff. Oh and of course the driving one about the freeway! Gotta love good ol' Utah!

Sam said...

ha ha! I love it!