February 7, 2011

Day #22

A letter to someone who has hurt you recently...hmmm....nobody has hurt me recently so that is out the window. Here is letter to someone that I really look up to.

Dear Oprah...

haha just kidding.

Thank you for being the best mom ever. You are the most compassionate person i have ever met. You have taught me so much, mostly through your example to me. I have always admired you. I have always been able to come to you with any problem I have ever had and you can always find the best way to help me, even if its just letting me cry it out. You have taught me how to forgive because you are the most forgiving person. You always give people the benifit of the doubt and you always can spot the best qualities in people. You let me make my own mistakes but were always there when I needed help fixing them. I am so thankful for you. I don't know how I'd survive my life without you. I don't think I ever can. You are an amazing and beautiful person. I love you so much. Happy birthday in 10 days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mari you are the sweetest daughter, ever!

I am so proud of the woman you have become.

I love you!!!
