February 6, 2011

Day #21

A photo of something that makes me happy...

how about a bunch of photos of a punch of things that make me happy.

Saturdays almost always make me happy. I usually don't have work and Rich never works on Saturdays. That means that we get to spend the entire day together.

Waimea bay can always put a smile on my face. It is the most beautiful beach ever. When we do family trips to Hawaii, we go to this beach almost every day that we are there.

I love the Draper temple. It is the temple that I attend most often. There is no place in this world where I have experienced a stronger feeling of peace then I have in this temple.

Cupcakes. They are by far my favorite dessert.

My best friends. I love having girls days with them. Sadly we have all spread out so we don't have the chance to get together very often. Brit is in Philly, Ang is in Washington, Jord is in nursing school and super busy and Jen is going to Chile on a mission.

I love getting letters from Caleb. It makes my day reading them and seeing what he is up to. He has had such success on his mission and I am so proud of him.

These two girls bring such a light into my life. They are so adorable and they have they cutest personalities ever. They are so much fun to be around. I feel very blessed that they are in my life.

My family always makes me happy. I love every single one of them.

My Richie always makes me happy. I am one lucky girl.

If you had to read everything that made me happy you would be reading for all eterenity and I would be blogging for all eternity so these are just a few. I feel very blessed to have so many great things in my life that make me so happy.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Of ALL the pictures the 5 us have together... you just HAD to post that one :)