February 4, 2011

Day #19

Another picture of yourself.

I really didn't think I was going to miss a day, but life happens and I couldn't swing it yesterday. Here is a photo of me about 19 years ago.

It is funny how my hair has changed over the years. When I was little it was strawberry blonde then it turned to blonde blonde and now it is dark blonde or light brown, whatever you want to call it.
I love this picture because it is with my older brother Zach and my younger brother Caleb. Growing up we were always divided into the big kids (Zach, Caleb and me) and the little boys (Sam and Jake), so some of my best childhood memories come with these two little boys. Zach was always the smart one in our family and he always looked out for his younger siblings. My mom even said that he saved my life when I was little. He for sure saved my life when I was 17 getting hammered by waves and getting sucked out by the under toe further and further. Caleb was always the funny one. He can put a smile on anyone's face. When we were little he would kick the small waves at the beach and say "is that all you got ocean?!" and then another wave would come and knock him right on his butt. It has been hard without him here the past 7 months. I know he is out doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. I just have hard Caleb days where I miss him really bad and all I want to do is sit on my parents back deck and talk to him like I did before he left. Today is one of those days.
I grew up with wonderful parents but Zach and Caleb made my childhood really special and full of laughter and fun. I love them for it.

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