February 15, 2011

Day #27

A picture of you last year and how you have changed since then.

I feel like I have made a lot of changes in the past year. I have grown up a lot. This past year has definitly been one of the most difficult years of my life but I have learned so much. Here are a few ways that I have changed in the past year.

1. I am more patient.

2. I have learned to love people no matter what the conditions.

3. I am a more forgiving person. I am so glad that others have been able to forgive me and I would be crazy not to pass the love on.

4. I am skinnier. I went through a fat phase last year at this time. haha.

5. I am a home owner.

6. I understand more about saving money than I ever have.

7. I have learned to see the good in people. I work with a lot of crazy people but every one of them has amazing qualities about them.

1 comment:

Scarlet said...

Mari there is NO way you have ever gone through a fat phase! I don't believe it. You're perfectly skinny!