August 3, 2011

Rich and Rain

I have to write this down so that I don't forget it!

Last week Rich decided to take is scooter to work. He works only a few minutes away from our house so he does this a lot during the summer, but he ALWAYS checks the weather before he takes the scooter. So last week, the company he works for took everyone to go see the movie Captain America. Here is how our conversation went...

Me: Hey is the movie almost done? I'm home now.

Rich: Probably 20 minutes left.

Me: This is quite the storm outside (I didn't notice that he took his scooter at this point.)

Rich: Are you serious? I have my scooter.

Me: Are you kidding me? It's hailing. I am not letting you drive home in this. Call me and I will come pick you up.

I didn't get a response so about 5 minutes later i start to drive to the movie theater. I am just driving down our street in the HAIL and I pass Rich, on his scooter, with a HUGE smile on his face. It made my day. When we both got home, it literally looked like he had jumped in a swimming pool in his clothes. It was the best.

Fast forward to the next day...24 hours later...

Again, the weather says all sunshine but of course again rich gets caught in the rain on his scooter. Day 2 of this happening. It was hilarious but I think Rich finally learned his lesson.


Bullards said...

That is hilarious!! Sometimes I think they never really grow up :)

Kade and Brittany Wadsworth said...

Hahahaha I love this!! So glad you finally blogged! I get to see you this week--wahoo!!