May 3, 2011

My Birthday

My birthday week kicked off on sunday when my mom made my favorite meal and some delicious cupcakes for me. It was so fun to just hang out with the fam and see everyone and celebrate of course.

Wednesday happened to be my last day at work and my friend Crystal decided to throw me a mini birthday party. She bought me balloon and made me the best cake balls ever. Seriously. My last day was so bitter sweet. I am sad to leave all my red cross friends but I am very happy and excited to start the next chapter in my life.

That night after work, I was bumming because my last day was over and I already missed my job. I pulled into the garage expecting to have a pretty low key night. I walked in the door, hit the lights and "SURPRISE!!!!" So many of my friends and family were there at my surprise party. It was so fun! I am so thankful for everyone who came. I have always wanted a surprise party and I honestly had no idea that it was happening. Rich is so sneaky.

Thursday was my actual birthday and it was eventful to say the least. The morning started out with my phone breaking so it wasn't a strong start. My mom took me to lunch and then we went shopping at Forever 21 which made my day a lot better. It definitly finished strong with Tucanos with my family and then going home to a bunch of gifts that my hubs got me including a NEW PINK TENNIS RACKET! Soooo cute.

The weekend ended with a trip to Park City with my sweet husband. Over all it was a blast. I am so thankful for everyone that made my birthday special!