March 12, 2011


I am sick. I HATE being sick. Especially on Saturday when I could be doing so many other fun things but instead I am just laying here in bed with zero energy. AND the worst part about it is that it is supposed to be a beautiful day today. Bummer for me. So I am going to look on the brightside of being sick.

-I don't have to clean today.
-I get to relax all day.
-I get to watch movies. I love movies.
-I get to read my book.
-I get to write this blog!
-I get to read all of your blogs.
-I get to paint my nails.
-I get to lay in my comfy bed.

and the best part is

-I get to get better so next weekend is better:)

1 comment:

Brit H. said...

You are ALWAYS sick! Hope you get better fast!