April 15, 2011

My Big Announcement!

First things first. My announcement is NOT that I am pregnant. I know that is what ya'all were thinking. I know you so well.
A couple months ago, I was thinking about my life and what I want to do with it. I am at the point in my life where I really need to decide what to do. There has been a particular issue that has been weighing on my mind lately and I honestly don't think I am prepared for what I want most in life. So I started to think about things that I love about my life and also things that I could improve on. I started to think about my job. I love my job. I work with awesome people and I love the fact that I get to play a small part in helping someone everyday. Then I started thinking...I have known for a long time that I need to go back to school, but I have not been able to get motivated or decide exactly what I want to do. What can I do that is extremely rewarding and involves helping others? So here is my big announcement. I am going to nursing school.
I am absolutely terrified but I honestly feel like it is exactly what I am supposed to be doing right now. I feel very fortunate to be in the situation that I am in right now and that I actually have to opportunity to go to school. 2 of my best friend and RNs and they are absolutlely amazing. They love what they do are take such pride in their profession. I have already quit my beloved job to do this. It feels like the first day of kindergarden again. I have having so many thoughts and nerves about going back to school. But on the bright side, I will be graduated as a Registered Nurse in December 2012, right before the world ends (haha). I start soon so wish me luck. I'm gonna need it:) And I'll just leave you with something that inspires me...enjoy!


Stan & Ash said...

Congrats and good luck!

Brett and Lex said...

You can do it! You'll be a great nurse and you'll already have a head start on phlebotomy. ;) Good luck!

Kylie C. said...

That is so exciting Mari! Good luck and congrats!!!

Jacqui said...

Sorry to blog-stalk. I saw your post on FB and vwa-la, clicked on your adorable blog. I think you are brilliant to go to nursing school right now. Good for you for going forward, despite your fears. I am already planting the nursing seed in my girls. There couldn't be a better job for a woman!

Best of luck. You'll do great!!