March 7, 2011


A couple weeks ago Rich and I were in the car with my parents. We were talking about my next birthday when I will turn 22. This is how the conversation went.

Me: My birthday is coming up. 22. That feels so much older than 21. I will be double digits again.

Mom: Mari, you have been double digits every year since you were 11.

Rich (laughing hysterically): You guys are both retarded. You have been double digits since you were 10.

I tell you this story because sometimes, (once a day), I say things before I logically think them through in my head. I am a little impulsive. I like to get up and go before I actually think my idea through. Sometimes my ideas end up great and sometimes not so much. I don't fail every time:) Is this a personality flaw or not? To attempt to sway your opinion in my favor, I'll leave you with this Diesel ad.


B said...

I love you just the way you are :) So I don't think it's a flaw at all... I think everyone says things sometimes without thinking the whole idea or thought through... although for me personally, I always remember the old adage. Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt! (I'm sure that more than once I have removed all doubt!!!)

Mia Foote said...

It's a Foote trait to say things without thinking. haha. JK. I think faster than I can speak and sometimes my words come out jumbled together. This gives Sean tons of opportunity to make fun of me.