April 7, 2011

7 Days

For me, 22 seems SO much older than 21. Everything is exciting up until your 21st birthday. Then something strange happens. You turn 22 and absolutely nothing exciting happens and you are just instantly older. I don't like that. So I am going to enjoy my last 7 days of being 21 and who knows, I might just keep telling everyone I'm 21 forever.

Also, last night was a quite eventful one. At 1:45 in the morning Rich woke up in some really intense chest pain. His breathing was really shallow and he said it was painful to breath. I told him if it wasn't better by 2 that I was taking him to the hospital. Rich is the opposite of dramatic (the opposite of me haha.) When he is sick he thinks that waiting it out is always the best option but last night he was in so much pain that he gladly jumped in the car with me and let me take him to the ER. When we got there, he described his symptoms. They gave him an IV, did some blood work, did an EKG, did a chest x-ray and hooked him up to all sorts of monitors to measure his heart rate, oxygen and breathing. It was pretty intense but after about an hour and a half of waiting for the results the doctor came back and told us that all of his tests came back normal. He told us if it starts to get bad again for him to come back in but until then just to take it easy. I was relieved that his tests came back normal but at the same time I'm worried because they still don't know whats wrong with him. We are just going to watch it and if it gets bad again we will have to go back and really figure out what the issue is.

On a happier note, I love this picture. I could look at photography all day long. This picture reminds me of how much I love spring.

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