March 15, 2011


Last Saturday we got a surprise for my best friend Jen. Jen is going on a mission to Chile on April 6th and her farewell was last Sunday. The day before her farewell we thought we would take her out to dinner the night before to calm her nerves and just have a fun time. Rich and I met her and Jord at the restaurant and talked for a while. I was trying to keep her attention on me so she wouldn't be looking around to see who else was coming. I was asking about anything possible. Her mission, boys, what she is ordering, her necklace. Then her surprise came. Brit and Kade walked in. When she turned and saw them at our table she screamed and then just started sobbing. It was the sweetest thing ever. Brit and Kade live in Philly so Jen didn't think that she was going to Brit until after her mission and she was really sad about it. Brit called me and Jord and we set up this plan. It was so fun and it brought tears to all of our eyes to see Jen so surprised and so happy. After we just went back to my house, had rootbeer floats and just talked for the rest of the night. It was so good to have us all together one last time before Jen leaves. She is such an amazing person. She loves people so completely and she is going to be the most amazing missionary Chile has ever seen.

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