March 28, 2011


One of the things that I most love about the hubs is his determination. Last Wednesday he saw a video on MSN about making your own pizza. He watched it and...yep you guessed...he was immediately interested in making his own pizza. Later that week he went to the store and bought all of the ingredients. I should probably say that Rich does not cook very often so when he was actually making homemade pizza, I was a little shocked. He made one BBQ chicken pizza and one pepperoni. He even made the pizza dough from scratch. It was absolutely amazing and SO delicious. I am very proud of him:) SO...WE ARE OPENING OUR OWN PIZZA FACTORY! haha just kidding. But a lot of our friends want to try it so there will be lots a pizza parties to come!


OH and I ALMOST forgot. The best holiday of the year is coming up...MY BIRTHDAY! I can't wait. My birthday takes about a 7-12 days to fully celebrate it. You bet I will be blogging with all the deets.


Stan & Ash said...

I wish Stan would cook!! Looks good!!

Mia Foote said...

YUM! Sean is trying to cook more lately. Can you share his pizza recipe? Would love to try it!