How cute is this baby elephant? I mean really. The other day I was watching Oprah. She had a little segmant on an elephant orphanage in Kenya. They find baby elephants who have lost their elephant families and they take them to this orphanage, feed them and take care of them. The goal is to eventually release all the elephants into the wild and so far they have released over 1000. The elephants develope such close relationships with their keepers that they come back to the orphanage to visit. Many come back after they have had a new baby to intoduce their baby to their former keepers. It was seriously the sweetest story. Then Oprah dropped a bomb. She says "AND YOU TOO CAN ADOPT YOUR OWN BABY ELEPHANT!" I lost it. I must have my own baby elephant. Go to this website. It will show you how to adopt your own too.
This is the video that they showed on Oprah about the elephants!
OH...and my baby elephants name will be either Ellie the elephant or Coco just because Coco is a cool name.
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