October 31, 2010


This blog is written ON Halloween but the events featured did not exactly happen on Halloween they were just fun things we did in honor of Halloween...We carved pumpkins with some great friends.

These are our pumpkins...

Right after we were done we went to take our pumpkins outside and I dropped mine right on her face. She broke. Sad.

Saturday, on Halloween Eve, we went to our friend's party. It was so much fun and so good to catch up with some wonderful friends who we don't see enough.

In case you can't tell, I was a bunny and Rich was a hunter.

It was so much fun. I love Halloween and dressing up. I think we should do it once a month instead of once a year:) Until next year...Happy Halloween!


Stan & Ash said...

awe your poor pumpkin i would have died! Hope you guys are doing good!

Austin and Rachael said...

Your "punkins" and your costumes rock!