March 1, 2010


Our whole entire house is pretty much all green. Some rooms it is just the baseboards and the ceilings but it is still really bad. It is LIME green. Yuck. I can't wait until the end of the week when the painters are done and our house looks normal and we can actually live there!


Emily said...

that is really wierd. What were those people thinking? Can't wait to see the place!

Hightower said...

Haha that's so funny! Who would do that?!? Haha can't wait to see it after ; )

LANKY and KARIS said...

haha when you said green, i was thinking like a sage green or something like that... but not lime green... that is gross! Hope it all goes well! We are excited to see it!

Stacey said...

even the door huh? My sister has some oriental neighbors with lots of green maybe it's an ethnicity thing. Were the previous owners asian?

Brittany Jane Clark said...

Cannot wait to see it when it is done girl!!